Who We Are
“We have no doctrine of our own—we only possess the Catholic doctrine of the Catholic Church enshrined in the Catholic creeds, and those creeds we hold without addition or diminution. We stand firm on that rock.”
– The 99th Archbishop of Canterbury, Geoffery Fisher
Our Church
We are a community of Christians, seeking to follow Jesus with genuine faith and authentic love.
Anglicans are the third largest Christian tradition in the world and is often referred to as the via media, the “middle way,” between Protestantism and Catholicism.
Like Protestants, we understand Scripture as the final authority for all teaching and preaching. Like Catholics, we embrace the traditions, worship, and wisdom of the ancient Church.
Thus, our service includes the proclamation of the Word of God, as well as the celebration of Holy Communion.
Our Worship
Our worship together is based on the Book of Common Prayer, and the service is completely printed out in a service booklet, which is available at the church entrance and handed out by our greeters each Sunday.
Both members and visitors together may all easily participate in a time of being in God's presence, presenting ourselves to Him and receiving from Him
His grace in our lives.
Iesus, tanto nomini nullum par elogium!
Jesus, for so great a name,
no praise is adequate!
Our Larger Family
International Anglican Affiliation
in your area.